They had alienated the one man who knew the business 他们弄僵了同那个唯一懂行的人之间的关系。
One man operates a business once owned by his father and grandfather. He sells cumin, dried peppers, pine nuts and almonds. 一位男子经营着从祖父和父亲传下来的生意,出售孜然、干辣椒、松子和杏仁。
I run a small, one man, IT business in which I am often required to install an operating system on a new or used PC. 我经营着一家小到只有一个人的IT公司,我常常需要在一台新的或者旧的PC机上安装操作系统。
These same men can be found there day after day and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community. 奇怪的是,这样的人每天都能见到,每一个都像是身兼重职、腰缠万贯,事业成功,饱受社会尊重,无论他们本来是什么人。
However, one man keeps scoring goals, keeps fighting for the badge and whilst the greasy diving cheat Cristiano Ronaldo bends over and accepts the collective man-love of the press, our Didier just keeps doing the business. 可是,有一位仁兄不断取得进球、一直为球队徽章而战,而当那个‘油腔滑调的假摔骗子’克里斯蒂亚诺。罗纳尔多俯身接受媒体集体的男同志的爱时,我们的迪迪尔只是努力地工作。
This theory has been effectively applied in many fields, such as one man company, parent company and sub-company, related business and liquidation for dissolution. 该理论自产生以来,在一人公司、母子公司、关联交易、解散和破产等诸多公司法实践领域得到了广泛适用。
On one hand, the broadband MAN can raise the internet rate of the customers; On the other hand, it can integrate various business of the correspondence network to on the same of terrace. 一方面,宽带城域网能够大幅提高用户的网速;另一方面,利用这个网络,可以将城市的各种网络通信业务整合在同一个平台上。